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exploding car

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shazzzz | 02:00 Sun 28th Sep 2008 | Insurance
4 Answers
my car exploded on monday .now i have to wait for some fire ,investergater to look at it .anyone know how long it takes.i would be very interested to find out what caused it if every thing has melted ,well all the plastic stuff anyway in the engine how will he know .


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it looks like no one knows the answer
Make sure the matches are not in ur pocket
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i loved my car we went everywhere together,even when i took the buckets and spades ,out of the boot i remembered our last trip to the seaside together erv seemed to drive faster when he saw the sea,i think im a bit depressed .im not allowed to play with matches .now i am car less and am waiting for the final slap in the face a small offer from the insurance company.
How long is a piece of string?

Seriously, it will depend on what the engineer/investigator finds - we do loads of background checks as well, so you will be talking two weeks minimum normally for a striaght forward investigation.

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exploding car

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