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Job offer

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DebsyDoo | 14:38 Mon 30th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Hello everybody !

Just had a job offer from an agency (I've worked for in the past)

Electronics inspection work @ �8.20 p/h !!!

Are we stuck in a time warp or something ?

I was on that rate in 1990 !!!

What's going on ?


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Look up the words RECESSION and CREDIT CRUNCH crunch maybe.....still more than a lot make-me included. So be happy with what you can get.
8.20 an hour???

I'll swap you for my 5.67 an hour then.
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Yes, RD - but everything else has GONE UP !!??

Hi Pasta ! Yeah, I know what you're sayin' but it's like going back in time !
To think you can earn almost that much in McDonalds (or one of them) - with no particular skills (or personality half the time) req'd !
you are not worth as much given that there are plenty of you on the dole now, they can pick and choose so they can offer whatever they like
plenty of others will do it for less!
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Yes, Cazz - providing you have the qualifications for the job in question !
Check your fact sDebsy. No one at McDonalds earns �8.20/hr, unless yuo are a manager cDonald's_Corp/Hourly_Rate

yes, well I know a lot of qualified people who are on the dole, I used to do inspection unofficially in car manufacturing years ago, they were desperate to train anyone at the time.

Funnily enough i have just come back from an interview for a job of �5.71p/h. I tried to fail the interview.
"In this job we need someone who is responsible," the employer said to me.
"I'm your man I replied "On my last job, every time things went wrong, they said I was responsible" He completely ignored that answer so i asked for my CV back and and pretended to write.
I then asked him if there was one or two L's in bo!!oxs. He smiled and that will be all.
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Perhaps I should've said that it was as self-employed RD, which means that after Tax & NI are taken out, along with the fact you don't get holiday or sick pay - it probably equates to much the same sort of pay ! (?)
�5.71....�8.20...damn I should consider myself lucky at �13/hr
Do not except the position for anything less than 8.21 an hour!

I once accepted a position for free.
Well....there are certain positions I would do for free
� 5.67 B00....isn't that under the minium wage???? How do they get away with that???
Try working out on the market in the pouring rain, freezing your t*ts off from 6 am till 3 o'clock, for �30 cash in hand. Still better than being stuck in an office with a load of t*ssers. And you can be rude to the *rseholes who want something for nothing.
I'm sorry but I must live in another world as I think these pay rates are dreadful.............I pay my cleaner �7.50 and hour and feel guilty at that....
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Exactly my point Craft !!
Well seeing you have too much money, how about sharing it with some of us poor people? *grin*
A friend of mine was getting �10 an hour , dinner paid , travelling expenses & signing on as well

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