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Medical Insurance Rise 'Fuelled By Instant-Access Society'

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

A growth in levels of personal medical insurance (PMI) is a result of an "instant-access society", an expert has asserted. You can order your shopping online with same day delivery why not get your medical treatment the same way?

Bupa have commented that more people are doing this because they do not want to wait for treatment at NHS facilities. Recently the NHS stated that it had met its 18-week waiting time target. However, a Bupa survey has shown that more than eight in 10 Britons, feel this is still too long to wait for treatment and be left in pain, worrying about their health and watching their condition deteriorate further.

Their research has found that more patients are buying up their policies due to a "fear" of superbugs, such as MRSA and C.difficile and general hospital cleanliness.

PMI is also high on the corporate agenda with employers being encouraged to take more responsibility for their employees' health and wellbeing needs. It comes second only to a pension as a desirable employee benefit. Investing in corporate healthcare offers a triple win: better health for the individual; better productivity for the employer; and increased profitability for UK plc.

The current tax treatment of workplace health benefits is an obstacle which, if removed, would allow more companies to play their part in keeping Britain healthy. Nine out of ten employers want to see support from the Government. Half would invest more in employee health and wellbeing if there were financial incentives to do so.

A director of Bupa UK Health said: "Despite today's economic climate, our customers put PMI at the top of the list of things most difficult to cut back on to save money."

The survey found that nearly two thirds of those asked said PMI was "very important or vital" to them; more so than holidays, eating out, pensions and other long-term savings.

If you would like to know more about PMI why not ask AnswerBank Insurance.

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