On Monday I had to issue my reportee a warning for her behaviour towards her new colleague. She's been doing the same duty for 7 or 8 years now and excels in what she does but her communication skills could be better. We've had 3 people who have worked with her in the past and she caused conflict with all of them and they all moved or left. The new lady she works with has only been in the unit 4 months and feels as though she is being bullied by my reportee telling her what to do and how to do it in an abrupt manner.
When I discussed the issue with her on Monday she said that the new girl doesn't listen and is always going out smoking and is always on her mobile. The new girl also has narcolepsy (sp) and I've explained to my staff that she shouldn't discriminate against this. I'm being asked by my senior managers to haul her over the coals for her behaviour but I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I've written her end of year report which is very good and glowing apart from her communication skills and how she expresses herself. In her comments on the report she is now accusing me of bullying and harrassment. I can't win!
Anyone got any ideas on how to deal with this kind of situation?
Ignore her comments - and if she persists then tell her curtly "show me a significant improvement in your comms with fellow staff and then I'll be impressed. Document any accusations, do not rise to them and pass the comments up the line. Don't hide.
I f you have written your report as honestly as you say, then you have to stand by it, no matter how it may read to the person concerned, these reports are not of a personal nature but of a professional one. Hard situation to be in though.
I am no help - remember DWP got rid of me (with my lovely pension). But there has to be a joke in there - a narcoleptic civil servant and another who works with people who has problems with her communication skills.
I hope that you get some support from those further up the totem pole.