A dose of comedy taken daily for four weeks has now been found to reduce significantly the symptoms of depression,” reports The Independent of London. “Some of the patients who were told to spend 30 minutes a day listening to therapeutic tapes of comedians were cured, while others found that the severity of their symptoms had been halved.”
More than 100 studies in the United States have indicated that laughter induced by humour can be beneficial. Not only people who are depressed but also those who had allergies, high blood pressure, weakened immune systems, and even cancer and rheumatoid arthritis have responded. Laughter has long been known to promote well-being, but just how is not clearly understood.
Psychotherapist offers some cautionary advice though: Avoid abusive and sarcastic humor, and be careful about being too funny. Otherwise, the you may feel that his problem is not being taken seriously.
For instance, When a reporter asked a five-year about God, He replied: “God lives in a box all week and comes out on Sunday in funny clothes to talk about money.” What the lad had in mind was a clergyman. Why do you think he got that impression? While some persons may have a good opinion of their minister or priest, what is the general impression? For instance, do you think that an additional twenty years of life will instill in this boy a deep confidence in religious leaders? So, what most people see, hear and read about many of the clergy has resulted in a “crisis of confidence we see today.( Jer. 9:4, 5)