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Becoming a teacher

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lucemma4 | 12:36 Tue 13th Feb 2007 | Career Advice
2 Answers
Hi there,

I have decided I want to train as a primary school teacher. I have recently submitted my application with the GTTR and are awaiting to hear back with regards to my university choices.

I'm planning on studying a PGCE as I already have a degree. I know I am applying late as initial entry was September 2006 however both courses have vacancies.

Can anyone who has gone through this before share their experiences? Is the competition/process very tough? What should I prepare myself for?

Many thanks



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I trained as a teacher - took the route of studying for a degree through OU whilst teaching with Unqualified Status Completed my initial training through the graduate Training Programme. I now teach in a secondary school in Gloucester. Probably not of much help but I found a sense of humour helps. Study when it most suit you and sleep when you can!!! Talk through any problems you encounter - they can become almost trivial once you voice them. One of the reasons I have replied to this post is because my email contains luce it being my maiden name - I wonder if there is a family connection!!!!
If the courses you are applying to have places you should gret one. Its all about money thesese days, bums on seats, as they say.

If its anything like mine, which was some years ago so things may have changed, you won't find it too demanding. You won't learn much about teaching either, unfortunately, apart from during the teaching practice element which, for me, was the most interesting part of the course.

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