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really bored

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cuddleMe | 22:34 Thu 06th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
hi guys hope u r all well, im really bored! i just cant be bothered with anything! :(

i should b flat and job hunting but i just cant b bothered! is it because i just cant b bothered? hmm


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well maybe you will be bothered when you are starving and have nowhere to live, and so i suggest you get unbored and unbothered and get looking
You need to motivate yourself!!
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this sounds quitye familiar actually, is Bob about?
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dot, wel i do have a job atm, and do have a place to live :S thats what making me think 'cant b bothered!'

but i need a proper job though or do a part time job! also i wanna move out! but its soooo boring :( grrr i need to get ma @rse together some how!!
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get wasted? nah not my style M!! :)

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really bored

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