Write one 200-300 word essay that addresses the following topics. When finished, please e-mail or fax it in. * What a college education means to you * How Jesus Christ has affected your life * What...
Just want to ask a quetion independent of my kids school and can't find the answer on google. I want to know what is roughly the average time taken to pass level c writing under the 5-14 curriculum?
Sorry - I'm new to this - pressed the 'submit' button too early last time I was on here. Just wondering if anyone has a degree in "Nothing"? or in other words a Nihilosophy degree? It might...
We've recently moved back to the UK after several years abroad. The local secondary school is full, and my daughter (12) is being asked to attend a school which is over 5.5km away - much further than...
One for the oldies. I took French A Level in 1965. I passed the Oral with Distinction but received an O Level Pass for the written part. Can anybody tell me whether this is better or worse than a...
What is your views on boarding school, did you are you children attend or would you consider sending children to boarding school. I had family who went to boarding school and they hated it had a long...
Back in March I took the ECDL in Office software and passed the exams. But I am still waiting to receive the certificate. I've just been back to the training establishment where I took the course and...
I actually really just want to know for sure because I know for sure that it is their culture to be straight A students all through school and college and to pursue higher education and that their...
Are there limits on class sizes in secondary schools?
Daughters just started S5 and tells me their are 41 in her modern class.
Seems an awful lot to me.
Cheers Sharon...
Hi all, Just a quick one I cant deside which of these i want to take up as a career i would like to do programming since theres alot of avenues that can be taken from it but I'm terrible at maths...
I've always been fascinated by archaeology since I was tiny, and still am... I want to go on to do a combined Media Practise and Archaeology course at university, but as I was home educated instead of...