LEA is taking me to court under section 444 of education act despite being aware that my child is too emotionally unstable to attend school. LEA is aware that my child was referred to CAMHS by my Gp;...
Today I learned that the discoverer of oxygen was Antoine Lavoiser, this came about through the Mail on Sunday Crossword What have you learned that you didn't know before!!
I'm doing a project for authentic costumes for Romeo and Juliet and I need help finding authentic costumes for Mercutio, Paris, and the Prince from theater plays or the 1968 version of the Romeo and...
Hi, can someone please explain to me how foot notes work (in simplified terms please). I don't see the logic, until now I have been citing references after the quotes but my lecturer has told me that...
I am a very overweight, 17 stones, but do not have any health issues. I have tried to lose weight but l cannot stick to any diet, if l do l quickly put the weight back. I would like to be more active,...
What reasons has your son/daughter (someone else in Secondary school) been excluded from school for? I'm asking just too see what kind of things will be dealt with by way of a Fixed Term Exclusion...
I don't have A Levels so I need to do an Access to Higher Education course first. But what on earth would a person wanting to study HR Management need to do?
Hi Has anyone competed or is currently undertaking this degree? I am really interested in starting this course but would rather not pay for it if the feedback isn't so good in this area. I'm not...
I have a student loan for $11,000 and my husband has one for $6,000. We both graduated in summer of 2007. We have both been struggling for the last few years, so all we could do at the time was ask...
Hello. I am a senior in high school, and I have been homeschooled all my life. I lived in California up until January of 2010, but we suddenly had to relocate, because of immediate family...
What additional qualification do I need to be able to teach under 16's. i currently teach in a 6th form college and would like to teach younger people.
does anyone know what i need to expect? I'm trying to picture myself on a Secondary PGCE course this September, but have other responsibilities. I currently work full time which i know i will have to...