There seems to be an increase in the using of the word "of" in some written sentences why people clearly means "have". This is so annoying to read. Is anyone able to shed light as to why this is?
It's one of my pet hates! 'Should of' instead of should have and another one is the use of the word 'been' instead of being. Really annoying when you have been taught the correct ways!
I'd have typed this correctly but of course I can't. However it is a regional thing I believe. poor grammar is accepted as a new luggage... din't you know about internet lingerie and txt spoke. (I Jest)
I agree with The Builder. It sounds like it might have come about due to "should have" being abreviated to "should `uv". It doesn`t particularly annoy me though unlike "I was sat", "We were sat". That really grates.
Don't get me wrong, Mark. I know it is important in a lot of cases, if I was writing a cover letter for a job I'd make absolutely sure the grammar and spelling was correct. But... This is an Internet forum, not an exam.
When I was at school (a long time ago!) if we spelt a word wrong, we had to write it out at least 10 times so we would know how to spell it correctly. Now I don't think teachers mark on spelling and grammar, more on the content, which I think is wrong.
I quite often hear older people use some quite suspect wording as well, I'm assuming they are recipients of the better grammar and spelling style of education.