TV2 mins ago
I Was Told When I Was A Teenager I Had Healing Hands By A Old Gypsy Woman Selling Pegs At My Mums House
5 Answers
It was the school holidays my mum was at work my dad had died of cancer 2years earlier he was only 31yrs old i had a younger sister and 2younger brothers it was down to me to look after them there ages were 6-4 and the youngest was 6months when my dad died he wasnt even 3at the time a/l my friends were uptown or at the beach having fun its what i would be doing if my mum didnt have to work fulltime my day started at 6am when my mum was leaving for work in the anchor mill in paisley ,i washed and got dressed tip toeing so i didnt waken my sister and brother i needed time to put there cereal in there bowls juice in there cups and when that was done if mum had left any clothes i hung them out to dry ,about 7am i woke my little sister up depending on her mood the boys werent wakened up if they were it was chaos lorraine had really long hair i had to pleat if it was tuggy she would scream stamp her feet you would think she was being murdered one cranky wee moody girl who thought nothing of tell taling next my bro john he was 4full of energy from the min he opened his eyes hated being washed wriggled about dressing him u had to chase him all over the house the odd occasion paul slept on i sat them down and we had our brecky while they were finishing i got a basin of warm water a towel and talc to wash wee paul down he had wee accidents now and again while i dressed him i played a wee game with the other to if they could clear the table put the bowls and mugs in the sink and wipe the table before i finished dressing the wee one they would get 2biscuits each,it was time to take the boys to the nursery a half our walk from home 20mins if we cut through the woods the pushchair was for paul but by the time i bumped him downstairs johns legs were tired and wouldnt work lol he had to sqeeze in front of paul we had to be in for 9am 5 mins walking for lainey and she sat down said she wasnt moving just as well i was good at improvising. I put her feet on the wheel bar sqeezed her inside the handle and the pushchair was a trio lucky it was downhill with no roads to cross boys in the nursery lainey in the pram 9.30am and my chores were half finished next stop the shops with my list then home leaving the pram downstairs i got the messages put away left lainey playing with her friends while i made the 5beds opened the windows&curyains a glass of juice was needed the summer heat and all the work i was roasting a 5min break with my kind of music and i was ready for the final chores i washed&dried the brecky dishes and set the table for teatime it was 1oclock lainey wanted her lunch we had a sandwich glass of milk and a apple of she went back out to play i had 2hours to myself before collecting the boys from nursery we had a veranda of the living room it was a sun trap and faced on to front street this was my place no one else was allowed to use it except a friend of mine i had asked my mum to give me this special place no one else was allowed into i said this and my 3fav girls teenage mags was all the wages i wanted every week and once a month £2 of saving stamps in my tsb book for me to spend when i wanted on what i wanted i was 14 and like all girls of that age i loved make up clothes in fashion and shoes i got time out after tea to go to the park with my friends where the boys.were playing football i cant say my school holidays were all fun and adventures but i was born a survivor im strong in spirit and im a scorpion were winner not losers achievers not quitters it wasnt my mums fault her husband&our dad died aged 31 leaving his wife 30yrs old with four children to bring up on a widows pension to pay the rent the bills feed us and cloth us she had to work from 6.30am until 4.30pm come home c9ok the tea bath the wee ones do the washing set our clothes out for the next day get the 3wee ones into bed then dust and hoover the carpets before taking her shoes of having a cup of tea and falling asleep on the chair it was the light nights i was allow
I don't know what your question might be .... but you evidently had it tough. I hope that your load has lightened somewhat. I think you should get this all down on paper...... indeed write a book. I would be very interested.. as would your family and others, I have no doubt.
13:28 Sun 19th Feb 2017
PLEASE BEAR WITH ME AS WRITING AND TYPING IS DIFFICULT FOR ME AND EXTREMELY PAINFULL ESPECIALLY WHEN I GET CAUGHT UP TELLING SOMEONE ABOUT MY LIFE I HAVE OSTEOPHOROSIS OSTEO ARTHRITIS AND MUSCLE& nerve damage in my arms hands and fingers my hands have become twisted and i make a lot of mistakes i have to delete i dont have time to add punctuation marks if its difficult read as someone remarked it was i apologise the question will become crystal clear when i take some pain relief and rest my hands i will finish what i started a little insight on the question it is in connection to my remark about healing hands thank for your responses yvonne
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