I partly agree with the posts above, although not knowing great detail about your particular relationship and man doesn't qualify us to call him a git. Although he may well be. Some people are just career animals, is he one of those, has he always been? Usually these people have little room for anything else in their lives, even love. Has the move changed his personality? Is the new job giving him stress so that he can't concentrate on anything else? It may even be affecting his health and his life generally being in a new area with new people and away from you. Perhaps he is missing you more than he realised, or the job isn't all it is cracked up to be and doesn't want to admit it? Maybe deep down he just really wants to come back to the life he had previously but is too proud to do so. There is a lot to consider, but foremost, you need to think about you. You are not happy ergo, you need answers.
Long-distance love is difficult and dependent on three things: communication, trust and, most important, the ability to be honest about your own feelings. The communication part is where you go over the details about what each of you wants and needs to keep this love alive. Now is the time to let each other know just how seriously you're taking this relationship.