That, methinks, is, in short, exactly what it means BM. The "industry", a term chosen, in preference to "profession", to gain sympathy for call centre operatives and office workers inloved in it, was both hit, and created in its present form, by the abolition of legal aid in personal injury and some other work. When these lesser claims are removed from the costs structure a potential for earning a lot of money is removed. They no longer do it, but it was interesting how the figures for damages received and advertised by claims farmers were remarkable for being both within this range and for being, prima facie, very low for the injuries and suffering complained of. It is tempting to think that the firms were settling for a small sum on the basis that accepting a "settle and go away" offer was very tempting to the defendant's solicitors and insurers, though it sounded a lot to the claimant who wouldn't know any better.