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List 5 Attributes

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NoMercy | 07:12 Mon 06th May 2013 | ChatterBank
93 Answers
Can you list 5 of your own attributes?

Mine are:

1. I have a razor-sharp memory.
2. I am a mean cook and quite a good baker
3. I have quite a caring and helpful nature
4. I am good at spelling - especially complicated medical terminology
5. Err ... (desperately tries to think) I'm very neat and tidy.

Right then guys, blow your own trumpets...


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I'm a good troll spotter :-)
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Troll Finder General :-)
Is being able to blow your own trumpet an attribute?

1) I have nice eye lashes
2) I'm good at tough love
5)..... I'm very self deprecating ;)
You wish!!
That was for snags
5? you'll need to give me a few hours
1) I have all the bits I was born with (almost)
2) I do my level best to keep 2 manufacturing industries in business
3) ^ make that 3, actually
4) I am kind to animals
5) I am very kind to Moony ♥
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Good morning, snags. I understand you make a mean bacon sarnie...
Shut it ummmm... dogged determination is another one of my attributes.
NoM, on the baking, mind if I contact you with something about your perception of cakeboards!
1) I'm level-headed and good in a crisis (no more though, please!)
2) I'm good at growing orchids, and recovering them from near-death experiences.
3) nope... struggling now :o/
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I love animals too. My mum has a new dog and he's adorable. He jumped on the bed with me for a cuddle this morning :-)
Morning NoM... how's it going?

Not just a bacon sandwhich... I am a fantastic all round cook and generally a wonderful person (add modesty to my list).

Big Sis' lurcher adores sharing my pillow. I sleep like Davy Crocket!
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Yeah, no worries, DT. I can open emails on my phone, but not attachments.

Sara, a very nice man bought me an orchids last week...I haven't got a scooby how to look after it ??? dead orchid is blooming :-)

I only left it where it was because I liked the pot...

Snags...No, I will never shut it !!!
yeah, I see

I had a razor sharp memory, I think until I had CT
I love small furry animals but they have to be cooked before I eat them
I am in possession of all my bits almost that I was born with including a lot of my marbles.
I have the patience of a Saint - someone like Diana or the fella that throws thunderbolts
I know I am not neat and tidy but I have insight into this and pay someone to clean the house.

there - easy !
Question Author
What about deluded, Snags? ;)
I'm more interested in the "very nice man" than the orchids!!!

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