working from home in The AnswerBank: Jobs
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working from home

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pigeon77 | 23:41 Tue 02nd Dec 2008 | Jobs
3 Answers
what payments from my employer can i get for working from home. ie Lighting heating electric use.
May be at home 1-2 days per w/k
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It's up to your employer. I think it's likeley they'll say no- and any costs to you will be offset by travel cost savings.
If you have the option to work in an employer's premises but you choose to work at home, HMRC say you are entitled to no allowances.
Agree with both answers.
Your employer could agree to make you a payment - but probably won't because of the travel costs offset.
If it did make you a payment, it would be treated as income that is subject to tax and NI (employees and employers NI)

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