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National insurance calculation + tax

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wintersett | 18:49 Sun 03rd Jan 2010 | Business & Finance
4 Answers
If someone is paid £9 per hour gross for 22 and half hours per week for a small business what would be the NI contribution on that and the tax.

Many thanks in anticipation


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Found a web site that shows the calcualtion, I only based it on 22 hrs as you can not enter .5 hours but it will give you an idea

annual monthly weekly hourly
Gross pay £10,530.00 £877.50 £202.50 £9.20
Income tax £899.00 £74.92 £17.29 £0.79
National Insurance £557.70 £46.48 £10.73 £0.49
Net pay £9,073.30 £756.11 £174.49 £7.93
You would pay no tax on this sum, as the total yearly sum would fall below the personal allowance of £11,500 a year. You would only need to pay NI on part of the sum, and it would be a total of £5/week. See more here:
Not now maybe but in 2010 tax would have been deducted if person had worked all year.

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National insurance calculation + tax

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