I have only been in my present job since August last year after a 5yr break when having kids and will be made redundant (company went down the pan) on Friday.
I don't think I have accrued much in the way of NI contributions so would I be eligable for any benifits?
If it helps I didn't claim any when I was off with the children and oh is on a reasonable salary.
Difficult to say. However, since your partner is on a reasonable salary, it seems unlikely that you'll qualify for unemployment benefit. Your CAB will be able to help you...
Contribution based JSA is likely to be the only option.Hopefully your NI contributions will have been paid for you when you were at home with the child.
No, while I was off work with the children I didn't qork or claim benifits of any kind and didn't pay NI so I guess I'm rather stuffed now...
I tried getting my oh to claim working tax credits but he is so 'not into claiming benifits' je didn't bother. Perhaps if he had it would be easier now.
Never mind, that's what you get being independant.
But I'm not sure you have to pay the NI or claim benefits to get NI credits- do you get child benefit? Maybe you should check with the DWP whether you got NI credits during this period.
About 2 years ago they sent me a 'bill' for NI contributions of about £250 odd. It was to keep the continuity or something but I didn't have any spare money so couldn't do it.
when you are in recipet of child benefir you get credits for your NI in the form of home responsibilities allowance. google it and it explains, however, it is a contribution credit to your pension rights i think. You will have needed to have had contributions for the 2 full years to april 09 to get contribution based JSA but you may get ESA, thouygh with your husbands income taken into account maybe not