Not sure where to post this however if anyone can help id be really gratfull.
My brothers just been diagnosed with an over active thyroid and is having difficulty carrying on working (He works nites as a secruity guard) as he tires easily. Hes asked for day shifts but his boss says he as nothing during the day. Could my brother claim any benefits if he cant carry on with his work? Any advice guys please?
He should be entitled to JSA whilst he looks for another job that allows him to work in the day time. Once his medication is sorted out he will feel no different to someone who has normal thyroid function.
If he leaves the job he has he is not eligible for Job Seekers Allowance for a 26 Week period, unfortunately his illness is not classed as a disability so he would not be entitled to Disability living allowance or Employment support allowance.
Most likely he will feel better soon once the imbalance is treated and his thyroid function is at it's normal level for him. The tiredness is one of the main symptoms but that should get alot better quite soon, he should stay at his job but look for something else, though he should have no problems with the tiredness in a month or so, what medication was he given?
BTW I have had a thyroid condition for over 20 years and it has never stopped me working full time, on my feet 10 hours a day 5 days a week, at least in his job he can sit down for longer periods of time,
Thanks guys
Hes only just got the right medication so fingers crossed he'll start feeling better soon. He really doesant want to finish work just wants to finish with the nite shifts that hes been doing 7 days a week for 4 years.
Many thanks for your advive :)
Just because he doesn't have a disability for benefits, doesn't mean he couldn't see if he could be classed as falling under the Disability Discrimination Act as far as employment law is concerned and whether his employer should be looking at making a reasonable adjustment for him (within the constraints of that - difficult to know how reasonable they are trying to be in the circumstances without knowing the full facts), also bearing in mind the temporary nature of the problem.
ACAS would be a good starting point for advice for him.
"If he leaves the job he has he is not eligible for Job Seekers Allowance for a 26 Week period," not correct. If a person can show just cause for leaving employment voluntariiy, the JSA will NOT be affected. The JSA CAN be stopped for up to twenty-six weeks but it's not automatic.
"unfortunately his illness is not classed as a disability so he would not be entitled to Disability living allowance or Employment support allowance" again incorrect. if his doctor is prepared to issue a Statement of Fitness for Work saying he can not work, then he has an incapacity and he could claim ESA if the employment has ended or he is not entitled to SSP.