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Are girls more intelligent?

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Coldicote | 12:01 Thu 25th Aug 2011 | Jobs & Education
29 Answers
According to today's news, girls have yet again outshone boys in exam results. In my school days it was put down to boys being preoccupied with sport, while girls were more serious about study. Why is there this difference and does it affect adult life?


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I don't believe one is more intelligent than the other, mearly one is better at taking exams than the other.
As D97x7 says, girls tend to do better in exams.
This is partly because they are more motivated by approval from parents teachers, etc. and partly because they are more willing to apply themselves to stuff that they don't necessarily find inherently interesting.

Back when I was at school, boys tended to do better than girls in most subjects, but, as teaching methods have changed towards an obsession with tests and rote learning rather than with quality lesson content, the results have skewed in the other direction.
I reckon it is a preoccupation with sex. They might do better if they were in segregated classes without girls being around. Am I allowed to say this?
"are girls more intelligent?"

not in my opinion
Boy are just very lazy!!
^^ I guess that sums up what I was trying to say :-)
Women process things better? Boys just play conkers and marbles...<smirk>
girls find the time to underline headers in red and green pen and dot their I's with little hearts! that says it all!!
Paul, you're just sooo jealous that we have the pens!
"As D97x7 says, girls tend to do better in exams.
This is partly because they are more motivated by approval from parents teachers, etc. and partly because they are more willing to apply themselves to stuff that they don't necessarily find inherently interesting."

I entirely agree.

Boys do much better if they see a purpose in what they are learning and boys tend to do better as they advance in the education system. Girls tend to drop behind in higher education. Also a lot of teachers have no idea how to teach boys!!

Single sex schools have a lot of advantages.
i was preoccupied with my conkers at school. but i was good at getting my wood working.
Ankou, how did your wood work? <puzzled>
Girls are also very good at presenting neat course work which counts a lot towards there GCSE grades. Boys generally hate course work and present untidy work. They don't see the point of neatness and good presentation. they may be exceedingly intelligent but sitting there putting pen to paper is just plain boring to most boys!!

Simply, although I would like to say girls are more intelligent, I have to be truthful and say they are not.
Lottie, like "don't judge a book by its cover"?
men and woman each have their own area's of excellence, but when you look at the most complicated jobs in the world, they are often dominated by men.

also many woman have a biological need to have children does serve as a disadvantage in the career world
i think at the age they take these tests, yes they are more intelligent, because they are more mature...

we know girls mature quicker than boys at that age... i think then boys catch up and it evens out.

it shouldnt be seen as an insult or a dig though.
I think girls tend to be more mature earlier - intellectually that is.

That tends to give them a slight lead on average over boys at the same age.

However I think they tend to discover boys a bit earlier than boys discover girls (if you know what I mean!)

So it evens out over time
"when you look at the most complicated jobs in the world, they are often dominated by men"

so girls are more intelligent than boys, but men are more intelligent than women ?

Daisy, yep

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