A friend is being tuped over to a new company, a job she has done for a few years on the new application form she has to give permission for a credit check and any ccjs ,ivas and bankrupcy if she has had any she has had a crb check to do the job and will have anotherwith the new company, do she have to give this permission as I think its a invasion of her privacy the job she does do not involve handling money of any kind any advice would be welcome tks x
I'd have thought it is a bit unusual to go into all that financial detail - what sort of a job is it? She might not handle money but she might have access to ways of diverting it illegally? I can understand re the CRB check as currently CRBs are only good for one employer/organisation.
Thank you for your quick reply shes excepts about the crb check but her job is a cleaners postion just doing offices where no money is kept so is these indepth checks nessacery I think not but cant advice her in any way x
Seems a bit strange she has to fill in an application form at all, she is not applying for a job, her contract is being transferred to another company.
Sounds to me like they've gone a bit HR and admin mad here. Suggest she ask them politely why she needs all this for transfer of contract and see what they say.
tk u again for responce and yes it is like re-applying for her job others including security have to do the same I think she needs to ask a lot of questions as she has been in the job for over two years x