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If you could make up your own ideal job

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tinkerbell23 | 06:16 Mon 09th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
What would it be!?

Regardless of money!!

1: a fake drug smuggler into countries just to see if i actually could!! ( watching waaay to much nothing to declare- australian border prog)

2: supernanny- id sort em RIGHT OUT

3: own a cake shop



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pilot so i could travel where i wanted, when i wanted. Or astronaut, imagine seeing earth from space, that surely would be the ultimate flight.
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4: wedding planner

5: a visitor to people who dont get any in hospital :0)

Astronaut would b Cool xx
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6: zoo keeper but not reptiles or beasties!!!
I'd like to own a shop that just sells 'gorgeous little things' Trinkets, antiques etc. it would have to have opening hours of 10:00-4:00 (may consider extension hours around Crimbo) and making a profit would be low on the list of priorities however the shop would have to be situated in some lovely market town ( somewhere like Cornwall or the Cotswolds) and lots of other shopkeepers would visit with gossip! ;-)
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Nelly i too would like a "trinket shop" lol

Head Beer tester / p*ssup organiser for a brewery.
Question Author
Lol!!! Good one eddie!

Also the dessert taster for supermarkets thatd b a good job xx
if i was up to it, a Samaritan, someone at the end of a phone, who can help others, having used their services more than once, i think they do an amazing job.
1. Sean Connery's personal bather.

2. Tyra Bank's personal bather.
Tinks - you can actually do number 5 in your list. Mne would be a Premiership footballer for a month - that should earn enough money to make my life comfortable!!
Question Author
If i had the time i soooo would!!

Thats nice em.... Something that helps others x
Garden designer

Pastry chef

Presenter on springwatch
Fake drugs ? you would walk through a customs check afer swallowing a load of condoms full of powdeded sugar? or do you prefer the other method with all your orifices well filled ?
Taster for Rowans pastries and muffins
Redman got that job ages ago
Question Author
Nooo like in a jacket or shoes or something lol!!

Tyra banks jj!? Lol she is very pretty! Lol ....

8: nicky byrnes bather
9: ushers bather
10: romeo dunns bather

have a new long distance, that is celeb love interest, so no chance of a reciprocal arrangement, more's the pity, though he is very tasty. So perhaps a dresser, then could see the merchandise for myself. x
1. Swedish women's beach volleyball team masseur
2. Scarlett Johansson's live-in gigolo
run wedding planning buisness
own and run a horse riding centre for children, taking in retired and rescued horses as well
a job where i could have my daughter with me, like an administrator in a child care centre.
run a buisness sending out people to visit people in need of a smiley face a helping hand or just an extra pair of hands i:e new parents the elderly working parents etc who dont necessarily want full time helpx
Question Author
Good ones xxxx

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