In our small business the cleaner comes in once a week. Two of them, clean for 1-2 hours, we pay through an agency, it's £26 per week plus VAT.
We had loads of crap cleaners before and we're grateful for the good cleaners we have now, but there's no way the business can afford them to come in five days per week - nor is there the cleaning load to really justify it.
The rest of the time the staff have to keep the place ticking over ... washing up, keeping the loos presentable for visitors, etc.
Perhaps one idea then is, like us, to get a professional cleaner to come in weekly or fortnightly to keep the place properly clean.
But when push comes to shove, if cash is tight and the place needs cleaning ... do you want to be fired in order to free up the budget to pay for a cleaner, or do you want to pitch in and help?