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ever start something..wish you hadn't?

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murraymints | 14:32 Tue 28th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Have spent the morning painting my bedroom...just finished but am now left with a mountain of stuff taken down from top of wardrobes...where did it all come from..?..and where is it going to go ?.....what have you lurking in the recesses..?


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Story of my life ..........or house MurrayMints. Its always a mystery to me after clearing stuff out for hours on end and throwing away bags and bags I always seem to end up with more to put back and it just won't fit! My spare bedroom is full of clutter, no room for a bed in there! OH has nicknamed the spare bedroom "The Lost Tribes" and if we mislay something,...
16:30 Tue 28th Feb 2012
charity shop or skip
Where do I start?

A futon base under my bed, a kitchen sink in the attic, 2 tvs, a monitor and 3 keyboards under the stair.
My builder described my loft as the biggest walk-in wardrobe he'd ever seen.
too much stuff. i cleared the kitchen yesterday and forced myself to thow out all the things i don;t use, just bedroom, spare room, longue and scary cupboard to go now....

oh and fatty
Often MM. We keep talking about putting in a new kitchen but the thing that scares me the most is whislt it's going in, where the h3ll I'm going to put all the sh!t that is currently hidden/stuffed in the existing cupboards. I know I should clear it out but am guilty of "hey I might need that one day" :-/
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fluffy...fatty ???
Mr O is a hoarder and I cant stand clutter. He thinks we have gremlins because his things simply vanish into thin air. Things about to disappear from the shed include a paint stained & damaged table belonging to his gran (who died 30 years ago) and a railway lantern he nicked when he was 16.
When youngest Junior O outgrew his cot,Mr O couldnt bear it going to waste so he made it into a garden seat. It was yellow...with ducks and bunnies painted on it.
What happened to it is a mystery.
I think it may have ended up in a skip outside my sisters house.....
things i don;t use that need to be chucked out.....
"Ever start something and wish you hadn't?"

Well, most of my threads on CB!
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Mrs oh still has stuff in his boot that I told him to take to the tip when we moved 7 years ago ??? things that I put into the bin seem to magically reappear...have resorted to keeping stuff on standby and putting into bin as I hear lorry trundling up the hill !!!
I think your NetBall Evangelism is positively heroic JJ - my those skirts are short though ...
murraymints, your OH sounds like Mr O's long lost twin brother!
........ the top of your wardrobe, Murray? ..........
It's a long-known fact in the building trade when working in people's houses, that's where you'll find the porn stash ...........
I'm ashamed to admit that I recently found empty hi-fi boxes in the loft - for kit which was actually thrown away at my previous house over 20 years ago ...
We once had builders in and I came home and caught one of the beggars rifling through my knicker drawer!
Perverts, the lot of ya!
Dave ... I won't give up until The Ed adds a Netball section under the Sports heading, LOL !
LOL @ sunnyD. I hardly ever enter into our loft but on the last rare occasion when I did so I found half of the damn place taken up with empty cardboard boxes. Not only empty ones but boxes within boxes. What the hell is that all about?
........... I had a little bet with myself that Mrs Ovoid would be the first to mention the knicker drawer ;o)
A line that some of use do not cross Mrs O. I could tell you some stories though ;o)
That's just messy, missnemesis.

What you need is a few cardboard boxes to keep those cardboard boxes in, much tidier.
You're welcome to come and have a rummage anytime you like Mr Builder.

In the shed that is ;-)

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ever start something..wish you hadn't?

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