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i think you are missing my point -
I say again - I have not even mentioned being great at word!
try actually reading the OP to see what I am actually complaining about... you obviously havent and have latched onto something someone else said.
actually the fact that you clearly haven't is indicative of one of the problems - people not even reading what they are replying to!
i dont mind a simple basic application, not expecting bells and whistles - all i expect is a proper greeting, a few lines about who they are and what they are applying for, and a sign off - with a readable CV attached - not a few blunt lines and a jumbled hard to read CV!
and if you cant do it - then get someone who can to do it for you!
and if you know your limits then at the very least make sure you are polite and check it over! there is no excuse.
or learn it - you will not get far in film and tv if you cant be bothered
clearly you have never had to wade through 100+ Cvs, and whittle them down to one ... stuff like this actually helps delete - like ive said - if you cant be bothered to send a proper app, then why should i spend time trying to read between the lines and guess at whether you may be really great in evety other way?
its my job to judge their suitability and choose ONE based on ONLY those 2 documents!
your job may not care how people people present themselves and hire anyone - but we dont...
clearly you know nothing about my job or film making and what is required - because you wouldnt keep saying it doesnt matter if you did.
it is the LACK of effort put in that i am moaning about - not minor typos, punctuation and grammar etc - that stuff I can overlook if its a genuine mistake if the CV and letter is otherwise good.
there is a massive difference between a simple cv and lazy half arsed effort.
and methyl - as i have already said - this is not a job app its a web forum - it doesnt matter!
Believe me my own CVs and cover letter are meticulously reasearched and checked - but I havent the time or inclination to go through all my posts on here to make them perfect because it doesnt matter here.
thats the problem.
job applications do.
its that sense of entitlement again - people expecting jobs on a plate just because they 'want to travel' and 'think it sounds like fun and fancy having a go at it' etc an thinking minimum care and effort is ok.
do you really think its not important on job app but its essential on here?
oh dear...
simple fact is i have lots of trouble with terrible crew - lazy, lying, taking drugs, stealing, etc etc and anything that shows they are not dedictated and or dont care much is a red flag - and i am not prepared to take the risk on them - when i have so much better to choose from
I am very surprised at the people defending sending a job app with a single line like 'hi saw your ad, tell me more' - unbelievable.
and seriously, trying to turn it round on me is pathetic and makes you look kind of ignorant and petty