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Invent A Name For This Room....

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mrs_nordling | 16:16 Fri 01st Feb 2013 | Jobs & Education
43 Answers
The school where I teach has a room where those who don't care for the hustle and bustle of the playground can go - to play board games, use computers, read, and occasionally have lessons in. But we need a name for the room, something modern and catchy - any ideas?


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The Green Room.
The Den
Question Author
Some good suggestions here! Favourite so far is The Zone...... any more??
The quiet room .

The Retreat.

How about "The I Pad" (or Eye Pad to avoid confusion with the phone)?
The ChatterBox
the pod?

the cube

area 51


The Leisure Room.
I meant CLASSYroom
The study room.
the exclusion zone?
classy - of or characteristic of high or upper class - the brighter ones will get it
The Crevice
crevice? - hole, crack - I don't think so!
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Thanks a lot for all your ideas so far - my favourites at the moment are The Zone and The Pod, but more ideas welcome!
The Spare Room
You should ask the kids. Do a ballot or something. It's good to include them and it will give them a sense of ownership, make them feel more responsible.
Could you make it into an educational room and give it a foreign name and put stickers in the room of the names of objects in that foreign language. Ex; La Salle and names of french objects, or Das Zimmer and names of german objects... All depends on what foreign language is taught in the school.

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