Now that I am retired I would like to help out in local schools in Sussex. Do I approach the schools direct or is there an organisation that sets this up?
I used to do this and ended up working at the school for a short time as classroom assistant! That was about 18 years ago and at the time you approached the school directly. You would have to have CRB checks these days I think if a regular attender.
Hi Jenny. There may be an organisation but all the ladies we had in our school approached the headteacher directly. I guess you will want a school near you so try that. Worth their weight in gold were our reading ladies. :-) x
That's a good link, Fluff. You know what I loved with the ladies who came to us. They weren't fussed about "making" the child read or just listening. They read with the child and chatted about the book. Not much time for that in school and our children didn't get it at home but they loved it.
You will be much appreciated Jenny. x
Hello Jenny. I help at a local school after applying at the City Council Dept. but I'm sure if you went directly to the a school they would have you to help willingly. I have had to have a CRB check which took about 3 months to come through, before I was allowed in. Also I was given a day of instruction in their teaching method at the school but I don't think they insist on it.
I really enjoy it too and have been doing it for 3 years. All the best.
You can't apply for our own CRB (and the name has changed to something else now - but can't remember what). The organisation that you volunteer at/work for has to apply for it.
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How To Volunteer To Help With Reading In A School.