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Teaching Assistants

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sherrardk | 20:34 Sat 19th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Apparently Gove is considering removing teaching assistants from schools. If it wasn't for his TA, thing 2 would be having a terrible time at school and his speech would not be as fab as it is. If you feel you can, will you please sign this petition - Thanks.


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I can't get the link to go anywhere, sherr. I agree they're priceless. Will sign it if i can.
There's an error Sherr?

Will happily sign it too. The TA's in Mini Boo's class stop the class tearaway from disrupting the rest of the classroom!
Why would he want to do such a stupid thing? Teaching assistants are invaluable.
Have you got a reliable link please to exactly what's proposed because I wonder if there is a misunderstanding of what is planned or being considered?
Sorry, I can't get the petition up. Don't know if it's just me.
The link doesn't work for me

"404 ERROR
We're sorry - we can't find the page you're looking for.
Would you like to go to our home page ?"

Done Sherr, and added to my FB page.
Just signed it,no bother.
Signed. Thanks for posting.
Signed and added to f/book sherr.

What a ridiculous idea!
Works now. Good luck to those who want to sign it (teaching assistants do a great job) but I think it may be better for people to focus on things that have been implemented or firmed up rather than just speculation and hearsay as part of a concerted attack on Mr Gove.

Whilst I am uneasy with his grasp of the real world I have been surprised at the number of pupils at many different schools I visit who have been told they can't do this exam or a subject they like or do a resit ..."because of Mr Gove". I am sure there is a concerted attempt by teaching unions to put all the blame on Gove and get pupils to tell their parents "
That works. Have signed it.
This story is a few months old now. Any further news on this progressive move?
Done, sherr.
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FF - a quick google of 'Gove axing teaching assistants' brings up a whole arty of links to newspaper articles from June of this year. TAs are vital for all schools but without them my son probably wouldn't be able to attend school, let alone communicate in the way he now can.
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Array ^
Signed sherr. Children deserve all the help they can get.
They do a great job but I am a not aware of anything concrete. If there is a reliable article on real proposals I'll have a look, but I think it may be just one of many things Gove has said without fully engaging his brain

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