Hi! Thank you to those who responded on my last post, I am hoping for a few other responses. I would like peoples opinion on zero hour contracts. This is for my final year dissertation so all help would be greatly appreciated.
For those who have not directly been on a zero hour contract but have an opinion about the subject I am also interested in hearing what you think.
For anyone that is on a zero hour contract would you say you know your employee rights? Do you get any benefits with your zero hour contract such as annual leave or sick pay? Do you think you are fairly paid in contrast to people on other contracts? Have you had any difficulty with any financial issues from being on a zero hour contract such as obtaining a mortgage or credit?
What do you think the government should do regarding zero hour contracts?
• Do nothing
• Tighter monitoring
• Ban zero hour contracts altogether
If possible please state your age and where abouts you come from, this information will be anonymous in the report.
Thanks in advance
There are situations when only a zero hours contract will do. As long as they are correctly drafted and holiday/pension rights etc are protected then there should be no problem. An issue arises when unscrupulous employers use them to exploit staff