Crosswords22 mins ago
What On Earth?
51 Answers
I pride myself in being able to work out the basics of technology but this one has me stumped. What on earth do these things do?
http:// www.lif etechno logies. com/uk/ en/home /life-s cience/ protein -expres sion-an d-analy sis/wes tern-bl otting. html?ci d=displ ay_TRFC -WestFl ow-CO11 6306&am p;ef_id =U62yNA AAASSOa EiK:201 4062718 0516:d
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.How really bizarre, looks like it might be a result of google translate as none of the words make sense. Something for a lab I guess, found this baffling sentence:
The kits are available with anti-mouse or anti-rabbit secondary antibodies and are compatible with chemiluminescent and chromogenic detection.
The kits are available with anti-mouse or anti-rabbit secondary antibodies and are compatible with chemiluminescent and chromogenic detection.
western blotting workflow
http:// www.pie rcenet. com/gui de/west ern-blo t-workf low-sel ection- guide
To do with identifying the presence or absence of proteins in biological samples
http:// compare .com/Ed itorial -Articl es/4175 0-The-W estern- Blottin g-Workf low/
Oh dear. Let me try to explain.
Western blot analysis is in simple terms, a method of identifying specific proteins from a mixture of proteins extracted from cell material. The technique used in separation is called gel electrophoresis. The proteins are transferred to a nitrocellulose or other type of membrane where they are incubated with antibodies that stick to the specific protein. A dye is the added at the end of the process to enhance band visibility. The thickness of the band indicates the amount of the specific protein present.
Western Blot analysis should be called Protein Immunoblot, it's proper name. The "Western Blot" part is really an "in-joke" amongst biochemists, but we all know what it means
Western blot analysis is in simple terms, a method of identifying specific proteins from a mixture of proteins extracted from cell material. The technique used in separation is called gel electrophoresis. The proteins are transferred to a nitrocellulose or other type of membrane where they are incubated with antibodies that stick to the specific protein. A dye is the added at the end of the process to enhance band visibility. The thickness of the band indicates the amount of the specific protein present.
Western Blot analysis should be called Protein Immunoblot, it's proper name. The "Western Blot" part is really an "in-joke" amongst biochemists, but we all know what it means
Seems I need to explain the "in-joke". Southern Blot Analysis was invented by a chap called Sir Edwin Southern while he was working at Edinburgh University. It was a method of DNA analysis.
RNA analysis was developed by George Stark at Stanford University and was correspondingly called Northern Blot Analysis.
This technique was called Western Blot Analysis as it relied on similar principles.
We Biochemists are a sad lot aren't we?
RNA analysis was developed by George Stark at Stanford University and was correspondingly called Northern Blot Analysis.
This technique was called Western Blot Analysis as it relied on similar principles.
We Biochemists are a sad lot aren't we?