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Waiting For Payday

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AB Editor | 08:24 Mon 14th Jul 2014 | Jobs & Education
14 Answers

This poll is closed.

  • I usually have enough left over to save - 70 votes
  • 46%
  • It usually stretches to the next pay-day - 43 votes
  • 28%
  • It doesn't quite stretch to the next pay-day - 40 votes
  • 26%

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Stats until: 00:41 Sat 27th Jul 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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I have answered !!
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5 minutes between results updates.
Has the order changed?

I could have sworn 'I usually have enought left over to save' was Option C earlier???
Question Author
Yes, it does that.

My last Payday was in June, end of that month I closed my business and retired a bit early. Not touching any Pensions 'til I'm 65 (2 years, earliest) so in the meantime I hope my Tenants pay the rents on time.
I can save £40+pw from NOT smoking ;)
pay cheque? never had one, always got paid wages, either in cash or straight to the bank
We always have enough left over.
-- answer removed --
How are 'wages' different from a 'pay cheque'? They are both money paid to you for work done.
pastafreak, pay cheque sounds american. I prefer the english word wages.
That would be "pay check"....sounds like an American being paid with a cheque. "Wages" always sounds like cash in a small envelope....and "salary" sounds like monthly direct payment to bank account.
As far as the bank.
I guess 'pay cheque/pay check' sounds OK to me because I *am* american.....

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Waiting For Payday

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