Two of my friends are having a difference of opinion about this, one says that you had to qualify to be an SRN before you could begin training to be a midwife and the other says that you could just start training immediately, as I think you can do today by doing a midwifery degree. Can anyone clarify please as I can't find any info on the internet it and I told them AB would know :0)
Sorry, misread the question. Yes in the past - I believe you had to undertake the RN qualification then move on to midwifery. That was in the days before degree nursing.
Recollect - I am a little younger than W
that there were two courses - one shorter and more practical and needed less qualifications SEN
and SRN - longer, needing qualifications
and SRN before the other courses Midwives and RSCN registered sick children's nurse.
I remember theatre sister pointing to one SEN when I started 1986
and said: "that SEN could run these theatres standing on her head"
( and now she is a modern matron )
Nursing degrees really started with Project 2000.
nick named even by th consumers Reject 2000
my sister went from nursery nurse to midwife without doing a any other kind of srn or sen in the middle, she qualified around 10 years ago. her only qualification was an nneb (nursery nurses examination board) she was working in a hospital at the time and did it on block release.
sorry, misread thr question, yes direct access to midwifery training is new. in the 50's / 60's you would need to either be srn or convert your sen then do midwifery as an add on.
The SEN - she who could run theatres and then eventually did
went through that route
I was adding colour to an otherwise bald narrative
triggered by the fight and in-fighting linked to the edict in Manchester that every nurse in a children's hospital had to be er RSCN .....
The service couldnt be run without the learners (!)
which presumably was the same in the Labour wards
in which case of course non-midwives were delivering pregnant women, under suitable supervision of course.
Peter Pedant,
Mrs B. here, Mr B is correct, I was sat next to him as he typed, I do w what I did and when. You on the other hand sound as if you have frequently enjoyed copious amounts of Goodies off the Drug Trolley.
Back to Mr B.