Quizzes & Puzzles5 mins ago
Water Company's Scam For Supply Pipe Into House On My Front Path.
Have just received another attempted scam letter from United Utilities (water company)suggesting I take advantage of their fantastic offer of only £6 per year (until April 18) to cover me from the ONUS of the cost involved in the (rare,but possible)event of a burst/fractured pipe) "from the street boundary up to where it enters your home*?" in conjunction with Homeserve.com
NOW I strongly disagree with their cheap attempt to shift the onus on to the householder (who is NOT a council/housing association tenant) when I have been assured by several knowledgeable people that THEY own the pipes leading up to the house and it is therefore their full responsibility to put right ANY damage occurring through their system including aged pipes which THEY should maintain as they happily reap the profit year after no problem year. I would be grateful for AB opinion on this.
NOW I strongly disagree with their cheap attempt to shift the onus on to the householder (who is NOT a council/housing association tenant) when I have been assured by several knowledgeable people that THEY own the pipes leading up to the house and it is therefore their full responsibility to put right ANY damage occurring through their system including aged pipes which THEY should maintain as they happily reap the profit year after no problem year. I would be grateful for AB opinion on this.
This diagram from Anglian Water neatly sums it up. (If it's dark blue it's theirs; if it's light blue it's yours): http://www.a nglianwater. co.uk/_asset s/media/imag es/Supply_pi pe_diagram.j pg
00:40 Sun 01st Mar 2015
This diagram from Anglian Water neatly sums it up. (If it's dark blue it's theirs; if it's light blue it's yours):
http:// www.ang lianwat er.co.u k/_asse ts/medi a/image s/Suppl y_pipe_ diagram .jpg
Unfortunately the several knowledgeable people are unfamiliar with the distinction between communication pipes and supply pipes, and with whom responsibility for each lies.
http:// www.ofw at.gov. uk/cons umeriss ues/rig htsresp onsibil ities/s upplypi pes/
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