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Home business schemes

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suagrfury | 01:20 Thu 29th Sep 2005 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers

Has any one used WEBCROM, a potentially legit home business scheme? Buy payment (refundable) you will be given envelopes/emails to distribute.
Is Webcrom legit? How can I check if home business schemes are legit?
Can anyone recommend a legit company?

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I've just checked the Webcrom site. Personally, I'd stay well clear. Reasons:

1. Any firm that seems to offer big rewards for doing hardly anything is always suspect.

2. Any firm which doesn't actually tell you how they trade is very suspect.

3. The suggestion that you'll be sending e-mails is worrying. If the only e-mails from you are going to send are to Webcrom it must be because you've got something to tell them - possibly that you've recruited someone else to the scheme? (i.e. it could be a hidden way of getting you into a type of pyramid -selling scheme). If you're going to be sending e-mails to other people, who will these people be? (Remember that it's illegal to send unsolicited e-mails by way of trade).

4. Any company which asks for money up front is suspect. (Promises of refunds aren't a great deal of use if a company suddenly goes into liquidation taking everyone's money with it).

Steer clear of schemes like this. If you want to work from home, find a service that people want. (My launderette charges me 90p to iron a shirt and �1.20 to press my trousers. If I knew someone who could undercut these figures I might well be interested). Alternatively, try something creative: Make some hand-made cards and sell them at craft fairs or try your hand at feature-writing for magazines. (The big, national publications pay between �220 and �450 per 1000 words).


The best way to check out a company is to ask for their registered company number and then check them out at Companies House.  You probably wouldn't get a reply from the dodgy ones. 

I don't think there ARE any legit AND good-to-work-for home businesses.  I suggest becoming a professional E-Bayer if you want to work from home.  But remember that technically you have to declare your income to the tax man! :-(

there isnt a single company in the world left that asks people to send out envelopes or mail without it being some form of pyramid scheme or a con. sorry!

If u want proper work from home jobs then try or something like that where there are proper companies offering businesses and ideas as well as proper employment

In my opinion Webcrom is a big time scam! I sent payment, to them for a start-up package but never got anything in return. Sent several emails to them requesting a refund but the mail was never answered. I made a number of calls to their office but each time I was told that someone was going to call me back which no one ever did till this day.

I went to the Citizen's Advice Bureau for advice on what action to take only to learn that I had been SCAMMED.

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