My daughter is in year 6 and was subjected to intimidation from a TA during school hours over an issue involving her own daughter (who attends the same school in the same class)which was out of school hours on social media. The TA took it upon herself to enter the classroom (which she is not TA for) and set about asking other pupils about what kind of child my daughter was, during which my child was sat opposite, while the TA glared at my daughter and carried on talking about her, my daughter felt most fearful and unsafe in her own classroom.
We took this to the head teacher who at the time was very upset and this and said the TA overstepped the teacher/pupil boundaries, we was assured that the teacher in question would not enter the classroom on a teaching/helping capacity but may need to get a register and take a child out etc, which was fine. The next day will was told the TA was giving a written warning and had admitted she had done this and knew it was wrong. Case closed we thought!
The head teacher was due to be leaving the school the following week!
A month later and my daughter came home and told me the TA has been in the class today helping another pupil and sat opposite my daughter!! Which was the S.A.T.S week!! of all the weeks to do it ! When to see the new head who took her the information and said I get back to you.. Long and Short of it is They can not give me the reassurance the TA will not be in the classroom helping again, and has to be other pupils first!! What about my child?? I am fuming.. I have took my daughter out of the school as I feel I can not trust in the school and I have not gone to ofsted, Why can Head give the assurance and another can not!! I have put a Formal Compliant in now.. My poor daughter does not want the TA in there and loves school..
Meant to say why can one head teacher give assurances and not the other.. We could of just gone straight to ofsted but we did not, we feel really let down by the school, and I have a 6 year at the school to, which is affecting her.
Personally if I were a Head I would always avoid situations where a parent is in a classroom with their own child in any role where possible. The TA should not be entering another classroom, it's rude to the class teacher to begin with and most definitely should not be taking external problems into school. I would seek another meeting with the Head and would also contact the Parent representative on the Board of Governors, maybe even the Chair of Governors.
how is it affecting your six year old? How does she even know about it? did the TA intimidate your daughter when she was in the classroom helping the other child?
Taking your child out of school is just going to make the situation more difficult for your child - the TA has had a written warning, and as such been punished.
The TA's job is to help other pupils you cannot insist that she cannot go near your daughter what if her job is with children in that class.
I think your reaction to this situation could be making your daughter nervy more than the actual act!!
When I was teaching I found that the ancillary staff who had children in my classes were most respectful. They would always knock and ask politely to speak to their child.
I dont think this is law
I think you take it back to the school ( not an organ of the law or anything) and pursue it there
seems obvious - the TA shouldnt be coming onto your d
( bear in mind that er children may not give a reasoned account of things - but every parent knows that )