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The Potential Health Benefits Of Farting

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Hazi-Hammenuhoth | 08:30 Tue 25th Jul 2017 | Body & Soul
35 Answers
As a manager in a corporate organisation, I recently had the unfortunate task of reprimanding a member of my staff for repeated public flatulence. During the brief discussion, I admit I had quite a job to keep a straight face when she disclosed that her boyfriend, a doctor, had told her that farting helps reduce high blood pressure and is good for your health.

Putting the anti-social and negative connotations of farting to one side for the moment, does anyone actually know whether this suggestion has any medical foundation? Are we really depriving ourselves from natural health benefits if we suppress flatulence?


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You aren't going to keep it forever anyway. But simple decency suggests avoiding doing it in front of others for them to breath in concentrated. Or indeed within earshot so that they know they are, if it comes to that. Health nonsense excuses I'd ignore.
08:40 Tue 25th Jul 2017
Is this a wind-up?
have no medical qualifications, but I suspect, only suspect, that if it is aroma free then that's fine.
If it's not, and is a constant, then there might be something up.

(I've asked some strange Q's on here, but this is definitely the best I've seen in a long while!)
Perhaps there may be some truth in the rhyme
where ever you may be
let your wind blow free
in church or chapel
let it rattle.
You aren't going to keep it forever anyway. But simple decency suggests avoiding doing it in front of others for them to breath in concentrated. Or indeed within earshot so that they know they are, if it comes to that. Health nonsense excuses I'd ignore.
& last line:- 'for t'was that wind that killed me'
Allegedly seen on a gravestone.
If it's true that it's better out than in, she could at least go somewhere private let it out, especially if it's noisy or smelly and she's in contact with the public.
ooh, the silent but deadly ones are vicious little things.
Thanks danny, sent before I'd finished the whole thing.
You can't hold it in, the gas just leaks out slowly without making a sound!
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No, I'm being absolutely serious. I was expecting some mild embarrassment or an assurance it wouldn't happen again, but the person in question was very open and upfront about it, and I questioned whether I was perhaps being a little old-fashioned to raise the matter with her. I will not be pursuing the matter further, but have been left with this intriguing information and wanted to see if there was any evidence to back it up!
Surely she must know that she's going to break wind?

Agree with Cloverjo, she should excuse herself and go somewhere private, or more private. Or even announce 'pardon me, I think I'm going to break wind'
Manners cost nothing.
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Farting in a Lift is just wrong on so many Levels.
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Perhaps suggest she goes out for regular fart breaks.
Farting in a Lift is just wrong on so many Levels.// LOL

One should never suppress a fart. To stop natural gas escaping from ones body is quite dangerous. Share this with your friends.
I heard it...
if she was asking customers to pull her finger before she farts then a reprimand from the manager was inevitable

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