On Wednesday 6th Dec I had the message "Update and Restart" when I went to switch my Laptop off. I did this and on completion my sign in page had changed, my screen picture had changed but worst of all my personal folders and files had disappeared. All my saved documents had gone along with all my photographs. Some of my installed applications had also been deleted. My Family History software was still there but when I opened it the details for over 800 ancestors had also been deleted.
Fortunately I was able to go back to the previous version of Windows 10 and everything was restored to normal. I thought Windows updates was supposed to improve things not ruin them.
no not had any problems with it
as far as files folders music and photos / videos are concerned i store all mine on a second partition on my hard drive not the "c" part
I automatically take all the updates and have never experienced the problems you mention. Could it be that some of your programs are releatively old and might need a little fiddling with the compatibility wizard. As a footnote please make your backups more regular and on a stick not on your machine then this type of problem wont arise.
With Windows 10 tending to do full updates of the whole product then always have you files backed up regularly.
In fact even if not on Windows 10 a regular backup is important.
A backup can be as simple as copying your personal files to an external hard drive or memory stick or even up in the cloud (Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive etc) - or even all three just to make sure.
Yes I did have a back up my personal files but they were not right up to date. I have updated my saved copy now and I must set a reminder for me to back up more regularly.