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The Apostrophe

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racoony | 14:54 Wed 03rd Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
Isnt it time to scrap the apostrophe?After all, its too difficult to understand when to use it and its useless anyway.You can still understand peoples meaning without it cant you?


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How would you know if "the boys bikes" meant a boy who had several bikes or several boys who had bikes?
14:59 Wed 03rd Oct 2018
Feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.
How would you know if "the boys bikes" meant a boy who had several bikes or several boys who had bikes?
LOL ^^^^ very good.
Both posters.
The rules about apostrophes are remarkably simple and they can help to make things much clearer. I accept that your post is fairly easy to read without the four apostrophes you've deliberately omitted but some other passages can become almost incomprehensible when apostrophes aren't included.
5 apostrophes missing.
Yes, Tilly. I'm reasonably good at grammar but, like most maths graduates, pathetic when it comes to counting ;-)
It's like commas
'Helping your Uncle Jack off a horse' or
Helping your Uncle Jack, off a horse'
Naughty step Kval
But it's not difficult. It's easy and very important. Just take a few minutes to learn it and it's with you for life.

A tip, because something is plural, it doesn't need an apostrophe, ie singular = apple, plural = apples not apple's.
I've seen "Northant's" on the side of a van.
1. It's really not difficult at all to know when to use them
2. It's easy to understand those who can't quite grasp it and get it wrong
Kval 16.11........LOL....LOL. you have learned a lot from your American man.
Perhaps Ladybirder should work for Waitrose?
CBL I've seen the BBC get it wrong.
A local trader has a van which advertises:-
Beds and Mattress's.
WAITROSE OMG. I shall be having a word. But how do we know it is actually Waitrose? Don't see the name.
Not even Bed's and Mattress's Tilly LOL.
A local chip shop sells pea's and bean's
Thing is when it's obvious, it is very obvious to those who know and still a mystery to them wot dont

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