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Environmental Impact Assessment

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sajems81 | 04:00 Thu 25th Jul 2019 | Science
5 Answers

A car washing company has been operating for several years in a [porous and filterable terrain.The company is located close to an estuary branch which is quite useful for it since it discharges all the disposals and waste generated by this activity directly into the estuary. These disposals contain a high level of oils and greases. All the dumping from the car maintenance goes directly into the soil since there are no palettes or gutters. the lubricating unit operates for 20hrs per week. recently the local people complained about the activity of the company, and authority has, therefore arranged the execution of an EIA and you are part of it
(a) What type of professionals would have been involved in the consultancy group that carried out the EIA
(b) Provide an insight into the initial environmental examination
(C) Mention 3 environmental impact of this activity
(d) How would you manage the uncertainty associated with the prediction


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More homework?
I reckon.

sajems81 Do your own research. You are not going to learn properly by asking on here.
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That would not be a good plan! :o}
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Environmental Impact Assessment

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