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Gender Inequality ?

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SparklyKid | 11:01 Wed 10th Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
Why are ships referred to as "she" ?


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It is possible that ships and boats, as well as cars, are known as “she” because their owners take care of them, keeping them well maintained, clean and pretty. Chester Nimitz, a fleet admiral of the US Navy in World War II, famously said, “A ship is always referred to as ‘she’ because it costs so much to keep one in paint and powder.”
11:10 Wed 10th Feb 2021
Why are the Clan Gordon referred to as being gay in a dance :0/
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There used to be guys and galls, now it is just guys, quite odd.
Guys,gals and inbetweenies :0)
not galls, that should read gals... ships aren't referred to as he but as you say she..
It is possible that ships and boats, as well as cars, are known as “she” because their owners take care of them, keeping them well maintained, clean and pretty. Chester Nimitz, a fleet admiral of the US Navy in World War II, famously said, “A ship is always referred to as ‘she’ because it costs so much to keep one in paint and powder.”
i think there are probably better answers, but that is one i found...
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There you go emmie, BA for you.
It is these bizarre thoughts that keep me awake at night.
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Hi bednobs, interesting that, thanks.
becasuse men controlled them. Used to be females on board were thought to bring bad luck

As with most bans, it was because the people imposing them were scared.
Another tradition is to consider ships as female, referring to them as 'she'. ... Although it may sound strange referring to an inanimate object as 'she', this tradition relates to the idea of a female figure such as a mother or goddess guiding and protecting a ship and crew
Lloyd's List stopped calling ships 'she' nearly 20 years ago:
Apparently you are not allowed to call the principal boudoir "The Master Bedroom" anymore. But you're still allowed to refer to a ship as "she".

Go figure.
Because it's a vessel. Same as with cars. I wouldn't. They are an it :-)
Link for that LadyCG please?

On a similar topic: Motherland/Fatherland
They still refer to master bedrooms on escape to the country,

The PC brigade will soon stamp that out.
The Mistress bedroom is in the annexe
Where? I haven't found it yet....boohooudoir.....

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