Dear Professor NAME
I am writing to inform you that I’m still in my home country. My visa should be available next week. I aim to arrive in Germany on 9th November.
However, I have registered for “abc” course in unisono (NOT SURE WHAT THIS IS), but my registration on Moodle is not yet completed.
I believe that Moodle registration is only possible if I’m physically present in the classroom. If that is the case I would like to request you, if possible, to register me on Moodle so I can complete my assignments until I get my visa.
And I have got an email that today’s class will be online, so I wanted to know can I attend this class or only it will possible if I will fully register for this course. (NOT SURE WHAT YOU MEAN HERE - see suggestions below)
I received an email stating that the class (PERHAPS STATE WHICH CLASS) will be delivered online. Can you let me know if I can attend this class or do I have to wait until my Moodle registration is completed.
Have a good day!