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How Do You Describe This Feeling That I Get Sometimes?

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MM305 | 00:18 Wed 22nd Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Here is the feeling I’m talking about: I listened or watch certain products (mainly those that are only listened to or viewed by females or kids), and then I get this very uncomfortable feeling like I’m doing something wrong or question my self why I am associating myself with this stuff.

it can’t be because O care about what others might think, because honestly, I have had no interest in making friends for years, and usually prefer just being alone a lot of the time. Plus, I know that because of my personality traits and other interests, I will not be able make friendship last for long. So really, I have had no interest in making new friends!

Yet for some reason, I get these uncomfortable feelings for listening/watching something that will get me teased or bullied. Im assuming the feeling is guilty (making the music/films/TV shows I listen to be guilty pleasures), but what do you all think?


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I think you have no reason to feel guilty.
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Would you say though that is the feeling I’m describing?

What do you call this feeling?
Very hard to comment without knowing what it is that you are watching but I l think you are probably feeling guilty for no real reason
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Smowball- I have listed some of these before, as they are stuff that are only for girls (based on the fan base and how many you see compared to males. Not all of these are mine, but here are some common examples:

Disney princess films, boy bands, female pop singers like Taylor Swift, female led sitcoms like Hannah Montana and Keeping up with the Khardasiam…I think you get the idea.

But is guilt the answer to what you think I am feeling?
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Scorpiojo - There really wasn’t a lot of answers that describe the feelings on that chatter.

I’m looking for a straight answer here.
I don't think that you are going to get an answer to your question as we don't know the answer.

From an outsiders point of you it could seem like you like trends and artists normally followed by girls in their teens and early twenties.

But when I was at that age those sort of things would not have interested me.

I watch programmes like Star Trek and Stargate Atlantis. None of my female friends watch stuff like that. That's not an issue.

You are tormenting yourself needlessly. You need to accept yourself for who you are and be confident enough to be yourself.

None of us is 'normal' and there is not much that we can do to change that.

Have a pleasant Christmas. I am on my own and plan to binge watch the entire series of Stargate Atlantis and eat very unhealthy food.
It's called Hamburger-Clockspring Syndrome and is not uncommon.
He's not normal, very witty, Scottish but ...
-- answer removed --
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What about everyone else?

What feeling is being described here?
I think you overthink things....
People on this forum have tried to sort out your 'guilty pleasures' for a long time but you reject all their offerings.
Susan, are you into SGU too?
Bednobs, I watched the first series of SGU but it didn't have the same humour as in the two others. It was a bit too serious for me.
I agree about SGU was certainly a lot darker and was lacking the humour for me as well, I only watched the first series.
but SG was only humerous because it was so naff :)
SGU series 2 has the biggest cliffhanger EVER and was never renewed!
The Characters in SG1 bounced off each each other, sadly lacking in SGU.
maybe. I loved the episode where they all got old
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jackthehat- So are you saying that the feelings I’m describing here is guilt?

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