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Help In English Please

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Fatemah | 19:15 Mon 24th Jan 2022 | Jobs & Education
5 Answers
Hello everyone.
Anyone can proofread my email, please? I have my email draft on google drive and for some reason, I can write here.
Thank you so much in advance and here is the link.


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Nothing showing there from your link.
Just a blank document.
I think I saw it yesterday. Was it about could you do ajoint assignment or essay with somone as you like working together and could you change the topic to covid in Egypt.... or something like that
You must be updating this document as its no longer an email. Or someone else as edited it. It looks like anyone can amend it

It now is the intro to a piece on Covid in Pakistan. If others can't see what i see.... it says:

COVID-19 and Pakistan’s Public Policies

The COVID-19 pandemic is an extraordinary worldwide phenomenon, and this pandemic is considered the most dangerous pandemic of this century, having severely affected all the rich and poor countries. This pandemic has not only destroyed the lives of people but has also severely affected global economic growth. The steps that have been taken in response to COVID-19 to control the disease, in the form of a lockdown, have several impacts on the environment, health, and economy. A lot of people have lost their jobs; their incomes have gone down, and the unemployment rate has increased worldwide. Dealing with this epidemic was a great challenge for rich countries as well as poor countries like Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh because, in these countries, a sufficient number of health facilities and trained employees is a major concern.
COVID-19 and Pakistan
Unfortunately, Pakistan is one of the undeveloped countries where people face numerous challenges such as malnutrition, economic hardship, and poor health facilities. The competition from this epidemic was nothing short of a major challenge for Pakistan, and dealing with this pandemic was not an easy challenge for Pakistan.
We can say that Pakistan was lucky that the pandemic arrived relatively later in Pakistan as compared to other countries and gave time to Pakistan’s government to prepare and develop a public health crisis management plan.
On February 26, 2020, the first COVID case was reported in Karachi, and the sickness quickly spread throughout Pakistan's metropolitan areas and districts, prompting the first lockdown on March 24, roughly one month later. This was not an easy decision for Pakistan's government because daily earnings account for half of the country's employment.
Pakistan’s Response to COVID19 (Public Policies)
By June 2021, Pakistan’s daily COVID cases ppppprted were around 6,800, but in July, the country witnessed a huge decline in COVID cases.
Lol- at least 2 people just amending it now- listed as Anonymous Pumpkin and Anonymous Alligator

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