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What Shall I Do About This Job?

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abbeylee90 | 16:56 Tue 28th Nov 2023 | Jobs & Education
383 Answers

Yesterday I got a txt from my job at the care home to say there is no point doing 3 hours per week so will send my p45 and next week wages. Think I might have told you this but they reduced my hours from 30 to 9 hours per week I'm now in a cleaning job cleaning houses 21 hours per was longer Monday-Wednesday but I'm not sure about so hoping to do warehouse work.I regret my decision now to change my days in the care home. I've not had a good day today as supervisor giving me a hard time saying I haven't touched things when I've tried to clean them and it's bad cleaning she find it hard to believe I was a cleaner . They reckon I'm not listening but concentration is my weekness 



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Why no visitors?

^^That's strange Abbey - most knee op.patients are allowed visitors!

Very...very odd.

Perhaps they've had an outbreak of Novovirus.  Hospitals will not allow visitors if that occurs.  

As per Alice in wonderland - curiouser and curiouser ! 0))

Abbey please use puntuation, and re-read what you type before you submit it.

Also bear in mind that your reply may not appear directly below what you were asked, so perhaps indicate what you are replying to.


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No as ot only few days

^^ Doesn't make sense Abbey.  When does Mum expect to be discharged?

Abbey, I'm still wondering about your 'narrow escape' from the care home.Can you explain? Thanks.

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She was let go today 

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Did they treat me right so did I have a lucky escape 

They treated you more than fairly, the could have sacked you when they discovered you were incompetent!

I'm sorry but I am finding your post very  confusing . Are you feeling alright?   

Abbey, you'll have to accept that in the care home's eyes, you were not a good employee. You did have a lucky escape in that they didn't let you go immediately, and chose to give you 8/9 hours a week! Do you feel you're being fairly treated in your latest job, the cleaning (now laundry tasks)? 

18.28 So are you now saying your Mum is home? I'm also confused!!

Abbey/  I'm thinking you should perhaps let thoughts of past work at the Care Home go  -   move on. Why don't you start a new thread about your work at the Laundry, also letting us know how you are helping your Mum after her op? Just a thought.x

Maybe a mod could close this thread as its now very confused in that it covers teh way abbey felt she was treated at the care home, the issues she is having with the cleaning job and the position regarding her mum's knee. It's made even harder by abbeys unpunctuated and sometimes undecipherable posts where it isn't clear which post she is replying to. It doesn't help that abbey doesn't seem to check her posts make sense before she submits them.

Abbey could then start a new thread or threads, hopefully not going over the same ground that's been covered time and time again.

Okay, hands up, I had some minor typos in mine. I'll tyry again

Maybe a mod could close this thread as it's now very confused in that it covers the way abbey felt she was treated at the care home, the issues she is having with the cleaning job and the position regarding her mum's knee. It's made even harder by abbey's unpunctuated and sometimes undecipherable posts where it isn't clear to which post she is replying. It doesn't help that abbey doesn't seem to check her posts make sense before she submits them.

Abbey could then start a new thread or threads, hopefully not going over the same ground that's been covered time and time again.

Must tyry harder! 😉

newmodarmy, it's not always Abbey's fault that this happens.

This thread started on November 28th and since then, Abers have asked Abbey about different things and so it goes on, and on, and on, and on.


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