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Tennis And Football Has Taken Over Our Weekend

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renegadefm | 21:35 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
52 Answers

Sorry but I hate both Tennis and Football. 

OK that might be influencing my fury, but why are sports events like these allowed to ommit regular prime time shows which I had planned to record in my planner?


Both The Wheel on Saturday night on BBC 1 was over ridden, and tonight's Auntiques Roadshow was over riden by tennis. 


How is this allowed to happen? It's basically ruined our weekend.


Surely we have sports channels for this? 



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I tend to agree with renegadefm.  Sport seems to rule the TV at the moment with the Euros and  Wimbledon and the Olympics coming up. I actually like sport but don't particularly want if force fed down my throat day in and day out. Wimbledon the other day started at about 12 with a short break for the news and then carried on til about 9.15, followed by Today at...
16:36 Mon 08th Jul 2024

The Wheel on Saturday night would ruin my weekend.

There's loads of other channels.

I would expect the football to get much viewing figures that whatever they replace

higher  viewing figures

Antiques Roadshow is a repeated episode, available on iPlayer

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But to move scheduled prime time shows just for over running sports stuff seems out of order. 

Especially when they are in viewers recording schedules. We have basically now recorded a load of tennis but it's still in my recordings as The Wheel and Auntiques Roadshow. 


Surely it's cheating the viewers. 


This stupidity seems needless when we have sports channels for this kind of thing. 


Fuming doesn't even cut my mood at the moment. 

I work hard all week and look forward to my weekend tele. 

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It says on my tv this weeks Auntiques Roadshow isn't yet available on iplayer. I got to wait, which means I will miss it.


But surely that's not my point. 

For goodness sake - worse things happen at sea!  I hope I never have to say that my weeekend has been ruined by missing a couple of TV programmes.

There might be a dedicated 'phone number to help you get through the obvious distress you're going through...

The episode of Antiques Roadshow was from 2017 - I think the BBC have a bit of a cheek giving that a prime time slot!

I don't mind Wimbledon, it lasts only 2 weeks, once a year. The Euros are every four years, the same for the World Cup.I don't like football at all, but I can cope with the coverage. 

Both Wimbledon and the Euros are both considered protected events, which means that they can only be shown on terrestrial television and not on the Sky Sports Channels. Sadly (for you) they're not going to stop showing them.

People like to watch sporting events live, as the main point is that the outcome is unknown.

The other stuff can be watched any time.

I was a bit disappointed they cancelled countryfile because of the tennis, but I'll get over it.

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I know there are worse things going on, trust me I am on the front line of my own problems. 


But my point is how are these sporting events allowed to steam roller over other prime time weekend shows? It's things that thousands of people look forward to all week.

Surely just put the sports stuff on BBC 2, 3, or 4? It's not rocket science 🤔

Perlease all the programs that are moved are on catch up anyway. Just go onto Iplayer for BBC for example.

Renegadefm, I'm sure there are just as many people who'd be disappointed to see a repeated Antiques Roadshow as to see a live, once a year, sporting event.

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To put it another way, I have shows like The Wheel in my recordings to record the series. 

But last night it recorded a load of tennis. 

Surely that is cheating the viewer? 

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To my dismay, it's not that easy, a certain amount of time needs to pass before these shows are available on catchup TV. 

So it basically means we have missed everything we booked to watch this weekend. And in any case it looks like The Wheel from last night isn't on iplayer at all. 

We will now miss all this due to my busy weekly work schedules. 

Cheating? There is no right to have a programme on just because you like it 

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We as a family feel cheated because they were shows we had in our recordings. 

We didn't want to record a load of tennis. 

And there was no sign of last night's The Wheel on iplayer. 

This to me is ludicrous! 

Have you looked for a helpline?

I didn't believe that anyone could get so riled about something so inconsequential.

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