How it Works3 mins ago
Not Stupid, Just Uneducated.
I was buying an item in the grocers this morning which was marked reduced by 25%. The original price was £2.80.
The lady went to the calculator on her phone to do the maths.
I told her the answer and when she'd checked she said you're right.
Do the schools not teach mental arithmetic any more?
How to confuse modern shop assistants....Give them the odds that usually fries their brain. Once had to pay £6.10 I had £10 note so I gave them £11.10 expecting to get a fiver back! It threw the whole place into confusion. In the end they just put £11.10 as the amount tendered and low and behold the machine said the change was a lady godiva! Who'd have thunk it?
A calculator is no use though if you don't know whether to multiply or divide or whatever. We see posts on here from people who can't work out the area of a rectangle or find 10% of an amount. Some just can't grasp it, howeve rmuch they have been taught. It's the same with writing- some have no idea on punctuation... and that includes some who left school many years ago.
"It is estimated that as many as 17 million adults in England - around half the working-age population - have maths skills only equivalent to those of a primary school child."
Surely if she knew how to do the sum she isnt uneducated?
I use a calculator all the time, simply cant be bothered to do it in my head and anyway there is always the possibility of slipping up so surely its best to ensure accuracy?
And yes I did Pure and Applied 'A' level and Physics, no calculators allowed. Used a slide rule too.
My suspicion is that they may introduce tech at too early a stage, before foundation skills are second nature. After that there would be no incentive to learn the skills because it's assumed they'll have a crutch to lean on for life. Calculators ought not be introduced until, at earliest, last year of primary school.
The other concern is whether the taught behaviour of not having to strive to learn tables, grammar, etc. will mean they lose any ability to concentrate and keep at the task of learning other things. That isn't easy; far less easy that pushing a button or two. One hopes that isn't so.
Many years ago I paid for parking in a 4 star hotel in cash.
Parking cost was £4.50 and I have her a £20 note.
This caused a complete meltdown and I told her change was £15.50, give me a £10 note, £5 note and 50p.
She says I only have a £5 note, do you mind change?
I said no that's ok.
I departed with £20 in one pound coins, a five pound note and a 50p.
Went towards the rip off prices in the minibar.