How To Finish With A Friend Any Advice in The AnswerBank: Family & Relationships
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How To Finish With A Friend Any Advice

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gordiescotland1 | 20:19 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | Family & Relationships
5 Answers

Hi there. I have been friends with someone for 5 years we met in an old job where we were both working but now no longer. Unfortunately I can't cope with him anymore, he is constantly needy, he seems to be totally reliant on me for friendship socially as he does not meet anyone else. I am beginning to understand why. He is far too involved in my life constantly asking me questions, when I meet him I leave feeling totally stressed, as he does not listen to anything I say he just talks and talks and asks questions. I suspect he has undiagnosed ADHD and also drinks multiple cans of energy drinks per day which I think makes him worse. None of my other friends like him or want to meet up with him, I totally feel we have outgrown each other. I have decided to break off all contact with him, I thought about just ghosting him but I don't think he would understand that, I thought about speaking to him directly and I tried that today but he just didn't listen he thought I was talking about something else. We live in a small town and we know a few people mutual acquaintances so I dont expect this is going to be easy. I thought about email or text at least if it was written he couldn't twist anything I said. As I would have a copy. I'm just mentally exhausted and know I need to do something. Last night when he phoned me he was so annoying I told him not to phone me for 4 days. He phoned me this morning so that didn't work. 

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Text him, Gordie, and tell him you find him very stressful to be around, and you think that the friendship has run its course. Wish him well, and say goodbye.
21:23 Tue 23rd Jul 2024

If he phones you again - say you don't want to speak to him anymore and put the phone down.  Say the same thing for the next three attempts, after that (once you know it is him) just put the phone down without speaking.

If he seeks you out say the same thing and walk away.  Not easy, but you know how you feel.


Introduce him to a "friend", then be unavailable.

Text him, Gordie, and tell him you find him very stressful to be around, and you think that the friendship has run its course. Wish him well, and say goodbye.

Well this is a bit of a jaw-dropper.

Introduce him to Answerbank, it worked for you when you were in need.

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