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It Has Been A While, Hasn't It!

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StupidGuy | 14:33 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
3 Answers

Well, it has been a while!


I took a little break from social media in general, and in the last week or so that I have been present on social media, I haven't come to AB all that often. I believe that is because I don't have all the problems I used to have. The last couple things I have posted have roughly been about the same thing and/or similar things, and the thing I was posting about was solved! So I have no reason to keep asking questions on the topic anymore. I might post some more questions here and there about random things I either think about or want to ask, but I won't be posting nearly as often as I used to.



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It Has Been A While, Hasn't It!

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