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Gce Before Gcse

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joe1 | 16:32 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Jobs & Education
7 Answers


Was there a GCE ( not GCSE) in Medicine ? O or A level.





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Medicine is not studied at age 16 when GCSE or IGCSE exams are taken

I don't think so. Traditionally biology, chemistry and maths  or physics were studied at A level to gain entry to university to study medicine at post graduate level.

I may be wrong

I'd go with barry. Medicine is too specialised to be taught at that level - you would need a specialised teacher which wouldn't be cost effective for the number of pupils who would want it.

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Thanks folks - I ask because I did my GCE's in the late 1960's and had to do Bio,Chem and Anatomy & Physiology to get to Med Sch.  I had an encounter with someone who has 'lost' their GCE Medicine award ??

Thank you

Is his name Walter Mitty?

I'd go with barry.  GCEs were tough, but I cannot remember one dedicated to medicine.

Barry is correct. 

Now, if you havent got the right A levels you can do a pre med year with no  guaranteed of a place.

My nephew did this after a maths degree.

You  may be thinking of Human biology

There WAS a double biology A level ( Bot and Zoo) - I did Zoo as a single A level.

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