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Finally Been Given A Date

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nailedit | 08:55 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
26 Answers

For a bed in a detox unit. 20th Sept.

Try and salvage whats left of my ship wreck of a life...



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Good luck

Best of luck, you can do it.

You can do this , you know you can - we've talked about this and I know 100% it's possible.We're all rooting for you x

Best of luck, you can do it

That's wonderful news - the start of the rest of your life. Grab it with both hands. You can do it. 

That is good news.  I wish you all the luck in the world. How long are you likely to be in there nailedit?

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Thanks all. Got the phone call 8:30 this morning. Very nearly didn't answer it. No one except scammers ever rings me at that time...

That's really good news mate - we're all there right beside you ...I was going to put 'behind'

and while we're not actually there in person, we are all right with you so good luck and we'll see you on the other side xx 🐨


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LB, a week to 10 days.

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seekerz, if i was stood on the edge of a cliff, I can think of numerous people that would be behind me, arms outstreched, a slight push 😂

I'm glad you've got the date & I wish you all the best. 

It's not for me to tell you how it will go, but look for the triggers and try to develop a strategy that will help you deal with them when they arise.

You can do this.

Good luck.

Once again, good luck!!! 

So glad to hear that, Nails. We all want you back on an even keel.

Only 22 days to wait.  Am I remembering correctly that you can still keep contact with us from the Detox Unit?

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Got my phone internet LB 😁

Go for it, nailedit!  Good luck!

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Oh God, I really dont want to be like this, cant wait get back to normal...whatever normas is! It certainly isnt been trollied at 9 in the morning.

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In court on the 10th, detox unit on the 20th....

couldnt make this **** up!


btw, im pretty wasted now. but somehow still capable of posting. Years of practice i suppose. 😂

So pleased to see your post

All the best   ✌

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