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Complete These Sentence Using Appropriate Modals. The Clues In The Brackets Will Help You.

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iswarya_410 | 16:49 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
5 Answers

We ________________ preserve our natural resources. (duty)



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We should preserve our natural resources.We ought to preserve our natural resources.
16:50 Fri 30th Aug 2024

We should preserve our natural resources.

We ought to preserve our natural resources.



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By the way, iswarya_410, I see that your status is now suspended. I hope that you have drawn some benefit from the replies that you have received.

You could have easily put all these similar questions into a single thread. As it is you've spammed the front page.


Is this your homework ? If it's for some job ought you not be doing them yourself ?

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Complete These Sentence Using Appropriate Modals. The Clues In The Brackets Will Help You.

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